More and Better Wars
Did anyone else notice that the president, in his presser, said several times that Iran "wants Israel wiped off the map"? That's more than he usually drops the phrase when he's talking about Iraq, right? In a complete coincidence, yesterday the Senate held a 97-0 vote approving this amendment from Joe Lieberman:
It is the sense of Congress that--
(1) the murder of members of the United States Armed Forces by a foreign government or its agents is an intolerable and unacceptable act of hostility against the United States by the foreign government in question; and
(2) the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran must take immediate action to end all training, arming, equipping, funding, advising, and any other forms of support that it or its agents are providing, and have provided, to Iraqi militias and insurgents, who are contributing to the destabilization of Iraq and are responsible for the murder of members of the United States Armed Forces.
(1) Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 60 days thereafter, the Commander, Multi-National Forces Iraq and the United States Ambassador to Iraq shall jointly submit to Congress a report describing and assessing in detail--
(A) the external support or direction provided to anti-coalition forces by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran or its agents;
(B) the strategy and ambitions in Iraq of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran; and
(C) any counter-strategy or efforts by the United States Government to counter the activities of agents of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Iraq.
So sometime in September, before or after we've had our cute, useless debate over whether to keep surging in Iraq, we'll get a report on how Iran is propping up the insurgents. I'm sure nothing will come of that.