You Gotta Have Faith. No, Seriously, You Gotta.


The Office of Faith-Based Initiatives has survived a legal challenge from atheists*:

The Supreme Court on Monday said ordinary taxpayers don't have the legal standing to challenge a White House initiative helping religious charities get a share of federal money.

The 5-4 decision dealt with a suit by a group of atheists and agnostics against Bush administration officials including the head of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

The taxpayers' group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation Inc., objected to government conferences in which administration officials encourage religious charities to apply for federal grants.

reason has been on the faith-based initiatives beat since the getgo. In 2001 Cathy Young took the temperature of the debate. In 2003, Kerry Howley explored how Chuck Colson was trolling for funds.

*I pledge to keep spelling "atheist" wrong until those mooks bow down to Allah, like Jesus would want them to.