Give Me Fondling or Give Me Death


Until last month, Orlando - home of the Magic Kingdom - had strict regulation of stripping etiquette on the books.

[Orange] County law specifically prohibits "fondling, stroking or rubbing of human genitals or anus." On March 30, however, a federal judge in Orlando struck down that and other portions of the county's adult entertainment code as unconstitutional impediments to free speech. "Some self-touching, even of the genitals or anus — no matter how crude or distasteful — may be 'central to the expressive nature of the dance itself,'" ruled Judge John Antoon II, quoting from a 2005 ruling from a case in Georgia.

Gone too is the provision barring dancers from exposing "any specified anatomical area while simulating any specified sexual activity with any other person at the adult entertainment establishment, including with another worker."

"The First Amendment cannot both protect the expressive element of erotic dancing and also restrict and contort it by prohibiting the very movements that contribute to its erotic message," Antoon wrote. "While the public en masse may not approve of such explicit performances, the First Amendment does not turn on generally accepted views of propriety."

That's a giant leap from last year when the code was amended to allow fondling of "female breast." Why any of that was prohibited in the adult entertainment code in the first place is anyone's guess.