Merry Christmas, Republicans!


You know a party's in bad shape when it's still losing Congressmen a month after the damn election.

Former Congressman Ciro Rodriguez defeated seven-term Republican Henry Bonilla in a runoff election Tuesday, adding another Democrat to Congress.

With more than half the precincts reporting in the state's largest district, Rodriguez had 57 percent to Bonilla's 43 percent.

This won't be huge news tomorrow but it's actually a little earthquake in Texas. Henry Bonilla was a star in Republican politics, a conservative Hispanic and an ally of Tom DeLay. He raised millions of dollars for a prospective Senate run this year, but demurred when Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison decided to run for another term. After tonight, Democrats will have 233 seats in the House of Representatives.

UPDATE: Jonathan Martin at NRO notes that Bonilla is the eighth Republican appropriator to take the fall in 2006. I'd also just remembered that Bonilla was the genius who wanted to rename D.C.'s crucial 16th St. after Ronald Reagan.