
Tomorrow's Post-Election Analysis Today (Libertarian Democrat Edition)


Former Democratic National Committee spokesman and current "libertarian Democrat" Terry Michael has already released his post-election analysis, which begins thus:

The results of the 2006 mid-term election, if they're anything close to predictions, will suggest two near-seismic changes in the national political landscape.

Evangelical Christians, after three decades of dabbling in politics, are ready–perhaps even eager–to render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things which are not the Republican Party's.

And the Democrats' Cold War "soft-on-defense" ghost will be exorcized, a scarecrow image that has been propped up in the fields of American politics for years, not only by Republicans but by the foreign policy neo-conservative Democratic minority, which colluded in the Iraq War.

More here. Well worth a look.

For a contrarian view, check out Charles Krauthammer, who argues that no matter how much the GOP loses tomorrow, it's simply historical patterns regarding midterms during the sixth year of a president asserting themselves. [Hat tip: Monte Vista Bed and Breakfast]