Hello. NAMBLA. You're. Quite. Good. At. Turning. Me. On.
Imploding Ohio gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell is taking heat from all sides for his unsubstantiated attacks on his opponent's sex life. (Refresher: In the 1990s Democrat Ted Strickland employed a straight staffer who had exposed himself to kids as a 21-year-old college student. Strickland, who is married, and the staffer, who is straight, took a post-1998 election vacation in Italy, which Republicans are using as grist for a "Strickland diddles boys" rumor.) First he lost the endorsement of one Ohio paper that had previously backed him. Now, he's inspired a video mash-up hosted by Washington Post smartass Dana Milbank.
The joke wears a bit thin over 90 seconds, but the "Ken Blackwell? Governor?" gag is good for another 18 days.
UPDATE: Please note that I used a Simpsons reference in the headline to allow unfettered use of South Park references in the comments.