Doherty on Organ Sales in San Diego Tonight
I'll be appearing tonight in a panel/debate sponsored by the Current Issues Forum of San Diego on "Matching donors to organs: The politics, ethics and economics." I'll be taking the position that a free market, including financial compensation to donors (currently illegal), should be legalized, and will be an enormous help in increasing the supply of organ donors. Fellow panelists are Dr. Francis Delmonico, vice president/president-elect of the Organ Transplant Network/ United Organ Sharing Network, and Dr. Arthur Matas, professor of surgery and director of renal transplant service at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
The event is this evening at 6 pm, with a reception starting at 5:15. It's held at the San Diego Natural History Museum at the intersection of Park Boulevard and Village Place. Full details on event here. Feel free to make bids on my organs during the Q and A--all serious offers considered.