Three Little Words


In a post titled Fortune Cookie Neoconservatism, paleocon Michael Brendan Dougherty knocks the neocons in a fresh way that doesn't focus on pre-Iraq war naval-gazing. It jibes just as well with any debate over Iran, or Syria, or the Fourth Afghan War of 2017.

Whenever a neoconservative says something should be done, whether it is
democracy promotion, or instilling purpose in an enervated American
populace, or diplomacy you can finish the thought for him by adding
three little words: by killing people.

It sounds fun. Let's try it with, I dunno, Danielle Pletka.

The Palestinians must decide the way forward for
themselves. And no amount of cajoling, strategizing or talking can
change this most basic fact. The United States should support moderate
parties, and encourage pluralistic democracy, by killing people.

I'm not sure if that adds or detracts from the argument. Cool.