Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bad Timing Award
US Marine accused in Haditha case to sue Murtha
The case, to be filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, says Murtha's statements in the press about the case have pressured the Pentagon to pursue charges against Wuterich and other Marines, and to use them as "scapegoats" to prove that allegations of atrocities committed against Iraqis will be pursued, "no matter how baseless."
Source: Haditha evidence implicates Marines
Evidence collected on the deaths of 24 Iraqis in Haditha supports accusations that U.S. Marines deliberately shot the civilians, including unarmed women and children, a Pentagon official said Wednesday.
UPDATE: I just saw that the cartoonist/blogger Tom Tomorrow blogged the same two stories in the same order. I hadn't seen his post before I put this up.