Who Crashed the Kennedy's Cars? After All, It Was You and Me


Rep. Patrick Kennedy, son of Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, crashed his car into a barricade on Capitol Hill early Thursday morning, the Rhode Island Democrat said.

"I was involved in a traffic incident last night at First and C Street SE near the U.S. Capitol," Rep. Kennedy said in a news release.

"I consumed no alcohol prior to the incident. I will fully cooperate with the Capitol Police in whatever investigation they choose to undertake."

Kennedy, 39, was not injured in the accident, which apparently happened about 3 a.m.

Sure, most 3 a.m. car wrecks have naught to do with booze. I confess, I post on this mostly non-story merely in hopes of trying to elicit something fresh in the way of jokes at the Kennedy family's expense. Have at it!