Citizens' Intelligence Agency
A bold reification of the David Brin dream of a surveillance world where all watch all, the subjects observing the rulers with the same tools and techniques as the rulers watch the subjects--or a silly prank? You make the call, as the Northeast Ohio Antiwar Coalition turns the tables outside a federal building in Cleveland:
Some two dozen members of NOAC and other groups affiliated with the coalition dressed in exaggerated spy gear to protest government surveillance of a NOAC meeting in Cleveland last November, and similar monitoring of other peace groups, including the Quakers.
NOAC member Sarah Morton said the demonstration was intended to plant a covert tongue in a very serious cheek -- matching a perceived government gaffe with an equally ludicrous gesture. To "make people think about the ridiculousness of this federal action," as Morton said.
The "spies" were bracketed by Homeland Security cars parked behind them, and security keeping a watchful eye in front of them….
[Link via Rational Review.]