But Have You Tried Knocking Down a Skyscraper Yourself?


As a guy who has never personally attempted to fire a Mannlicher-Carcano three times in eight seconds or blow up 4,800 pounds of ammonium nitrate, sometimes I've just got to rely on supposedly expert opinion on whether certain things are impossibly suspicious or just unusual. So I enjoyed this Popular Mechanics article that pulls together some wise expert counsel to debunk some popular 9/11 conspiracy theories. The PM wise men come to the conclusions that the twin towers were hit by passenger planes, that did not have "military pods" attached, and that the visual appearance of the fall did not require planted explosives, and that it was indeed hot enough for the steel constituting the towers' structures to buckle and collapse (though not melt). Useful fodder for cocktail party arguments over such chatter as, is our government indeed run by Satanic reptiles? (Current evidence indicates a cautious "not likely.")

[Link via Instapundit.]