
Quotes and Source



"Putting a libertarian in charge of the INS is like asking Gloria Steinem to take over all of the anti-abortion efforts in the United States."

-- Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., chairman of the congressional immigration reform caucus, discussing INS head James Ziglar in The San Diego Union-Tribune on March 19

"Watching a stream of running water; hearing the birds sing; marveling at Allah's creations: it's just not as exciting as wearing a designer watch and buying diamonds and jewelry!"

-- Rawan, a Saudi Arabian high school teacher, in Arab News on March 20


Bjørn Lomborg, author of the litany-busting Skeptical Environmentalist, is now defending his book online against a massive barrage of criticism. The defense, originally posted at Lomborg's site, www.lomborg.com, includes a point-by-point response to the critiques published in Scientific American.

But not if the magazine has its way. Lomborg removed the page when Scientific American threatened to sue him for republishing the original critiques without permission. Patrick Moore, the estranged former director of Greenpeace, has reposted it on his site at greenspirit.com/lomborg.

Scientific American has now threatened Moore as well. If the page disappears, try searching for it on www.google.com, which saves "cached" snapshots of inactive pages.