
25 Years Ago in Reason


"There is a tendency among the ideological to believe not only that they possess the Truth in ideological matters but that even the least important matters must conform to their axioms."

-- Dennis Turner, "Investment or Ideology?"

"In March the FDA announced a ban on saccharin, effective July 1, based on tests in which rats fed the equivalent of 1,000 cans of soda per day developed bladder cancer."

-- Robert Poole Jr., "Saccharin and Human Liberty"

"We tossed a twin-sized mattress into the trunk of our '64 Plymouth and slept very snugly there. We even found that if the wind became too vigorous we could be nicely protected by pulling the trunk lid down so it was only open a crack."

-- Don Stephens, "Survival Preparedness a Step at a Time"

"Lowell Ponte, in his book The Cooling, carefully analyzes all the climatic evidence and theories and concludes that the world is definitely cooling rapidly, with the chances of another ice age rather high."

-- John Dublin, "You Can Profit from the Carter Era"