Publisher's Notes


• CARTER'S ADVICE: President Carter dropped in on employees of the U.S. Department of Labor in February in what the White House said was the first of a series of "meet-the-workers" tours, which will eventually take him to the headquarters of every Cabinet department. We were most interested in Carter's message to the civil servants. The president said:

"Quite often, without our knowing about it, people who are not so fortunate as we, have a great fear of the Federal government. It is almost as though our own government is our enemy or is foreign to our lives."

So far, so good. But then, according to the Los Angeles Times [Feb. 10], Carter—who had earlier campaigned on the claim that he would never lie to the public—urged the employees "to say 'I'm here to give you a helping hand,' not 'I'm here to enforce a regulation that changes your life against your wishes.'"

Now, we remember that Carter had a knack for speaking out of both sides of his mouth during the campaign, but we're not prepared to call him a liar if he's actually telling government employees to help the citizenry to avoid the impact of oppressive regulations. Yet we wonder what Ralph Nader would say if he felt that Carter was simply advising how to delude citizens into thinking civil servants are helping us, when they're really bent on hurting us with as little pain (to the civil servant) as possible. Well, maybe we'll find out whose side Carter is really on when he pays a visit to advise the friendly, helping employees of the IRS and OSHA.

• JOURNALISTS SOUGHT: Libertarians with experience in reporting are invited to apply to the Sabre Foundation, for research grants about ways that government impinges upon civil liberties and economic freedoms. Every six months, the foundation awards major grants (up to $500 in research money, and a $1000 stipend per article) to the authors of the most promising proposals. The articles, when completed, may be submitted to any publication participating in the program—a group that includes REASON, New Republic, Washington Monthly, and Human Events. All grant proposals are reviewed by an advisory board consisting of Edith Efron, Nicholas von Hoffman, Alan Reynolds, Irving Kristol and other well known writers.

For information on applying for an investigative reporting grant, write to the Sabre Foundation Journalism Fund, 221 West Carrillo Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Applicants must be under 30 years of age, and submit their proposal by July 1, 1977.

• REASON EDITORS REACH WIDE AUDIENCES: In addition to their REASON activities, editor Bob Poole and managing editor Mark Frazier are enjoying success in communicating with a broader public. Poole's monthly "Fiscal Watchdog" column, discussing ways that local governments can cut spending, is now appearing in more than 50 daily newspapers around the country. In the coming month, 7000 weekly newspapers will be offered the column—and if the past response rate is a guide, several hundred papers will accept it. Frazier, meanwhile, has completed a story about the remarkable Florida East Coast Railway, a once-bankrupt carrier that is now perhaps the most efficient in the nation. His piece is scheduled to appear in the May issue of Reader's Digest.

• CONSULTANTS WANTED: The Local Government Center, headed by REASON editors Robert Poole and Mark Frazier, is seeking a number of persons with experience either working in or consulting with local government. Such persons, if suitably qualified would be available for part-time (paid) consulting assignments on projects sponsored by the Center. People with expertise in the following areas are needed: educational performance contracting, schools-without-walls, contract garbage collection, vehicle route design, work measurement systems, public works user charges, data processing facilities management, and flextime. Interested persons should submit a resume to the Local Government Center, 221 West Carrillo St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101.

• NEW AUDIO-FORUM CATALOG: Audio-Forum's Winter 1976-77 Cassettes Catalog has recently been published. The catalog lists over 400 cassettes of interviews, speeches, debates, courses and conferences. The broad variety of subjects covered includes philosophy, politics, investment, self improvement and many others. Many cassettes feature leading libertarians on topics of particular interest to REASON readers. Copies of the catalog may be obtained from Audio-Forum Cassettes, Dept. R, 901 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Audio-Forum asks that readers mention REASON in their request and enclose 25 cents in coin or stamps for postage and handling.