
The Romney Fundraiser Mess, the Embassy Attack Mess, and the Iran Mess: P.M. Links


  • Jimmy Carter's grandson helped get the Romney fundraiser video out, hoping to help Democrats get elected and as revenge for the way people criticize his granddad. Also, some conservatives are defending the content of Romney's comments.

  • Innocence of Muslims protests in India have turned violent. Egypt wants to arrest the movie's makers and promoters. Meanwhile, U.S. talks to provide financial aid to Egypt have been put on hold.
  • U.S. and British naval vessels are amassing in the Persian Gulf. Is a pre-emptive strike on Iran imminent?
  • A court ruling striking down Wisconsin's ban on public employee collective bargaining has left municipalities baffled about what rules to use when planning their next budget.
  • E-mails show that the Department of Justice has been collaborating with Media Matters by providing tips to discredit Obama Administration critics.
  • Neil Young has a very modern take on music piracy, embracing it as a way to get music heard.
  • St. Cloud, Fl., cops used the Internet to lure in and arrest 40 for prostitution. Anybody who has lived through the irrational hatred Central Florida's law enforcement departments have toward all things sexual will not be surprised.

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