
Peep Didn't Start the Fire


TheDailyCallerVideo on Apr 23, 2011

Stop-motion animation marshmallow peeps sing about the news.

Sarah Palin gave a speech, regulator overreach
Congress passed Obamacare, incumbents had to go

Charlie Sheen bi-winning, Royals add to their team
Hide your kids, Hide your wife, Lohan does some blow

TSA scans everything, Bret Farve texts his wang
Scott Brown, Christine O'Donnell, I am not a witch.

ACORN, NPR, Bieber fever's gone too far
Christie takes the Jersey Shore, GTL with Sitch

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

King of Pop laid to rest, Lady Gaga, meat dress
Helen Thomas hates the Jews, Mel Gibson does, too

Barry Bonds grand jury, Roger Clemons perjury
Jacob, Edward both have teams, Chelsea says "I do"

Beer summit, oil spill, passage of a budget bill
Chileans miners see the light, immigration, Blago's blight

Larry King leaves his show, Ghaddafi refused to go
Bed bugs, Betty White, Michelle controls your appetite

Written, Shot & Co-Directed by Mary Katharine Ham
Co-Directed, Edited, Production & Post by Sean W. Malone

Lyrics by Mary Katharine Ham & Angela Sulka
Music Arranged, Recorded & Produced by Sean W. Malone

Vocals by:
Mary Katharine Ham
Amanda Carey
Jeff Winkler
Matt Lewis
Joe Kildea