Joe Biden

Scott Horton: U.S. Should Have Pulled Out Of Afghanistan Years Ago

The Enough Already: Time To End the War on Terror author on fixing foreign policy in the Joe Biden era.


Was President Joe Biden's withdrawal of United States troops and personnel from Afghanistan a poorly planned mistake or a long-overdue decision?

Scott Horton says it's the latter. He's the head of the Libertarian Institute, the editorial director of, and the host of the Scott Horton Show podcast. Based in Austin, Texas, Horton is also the author of the new book Enough Already: Time To End the War on Terrorism.

Nick Gillespie talks with him about Biden's defense of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, why U.S. foreign policy has been a bipartisan disaster for all of the 21st century, and how a libertarian approach to both domestic and foreign affairs would make people better off all over the globe.