Donald Trump

Trump's Mouth, Rape as a Pre-Existing Condition, & Why Our Politics Is So Stupid [Reason Podcast]

Reason editors Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, and Peter Suderman talk Trump, French election, health care, Colbert, and the FCC.


"[The Republican health care bill] is quite likely to lead to an insurance-market meltdown even faster than under Obamcare," says Reason Features Editor Peter Suderman. "And [ultimately] it creates [incentives] for more government intervention in the market."

On the latest episode of the Reason podcast, Suderman talks with fellow editors Nick Gillespie and Katherine Mangu-Ward about why the Republican health care bill is tax legislation in disguise (check out Suderman's Sunday New York Times op-ed); our stupid debate over whether the law makes rape a pre-existing condition (it doesn't); the centrist Emmanuel Macron's big win in France (maybe populism isn't sweeping the globe after all?); the FCC's "investigation" of Steven Colbert's comic rant that Trump's mouth is only good as a "cock holster" for Vladimir Putin; and the agency's shifting stance on net neutrality (thank god we have a government bureaucracy protecting us from free YouTube, right?).

In both cases regarding the FCC, says Suderman, we've got "a 20th century mind-set that makes for really bad policy."

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