Pot Protesters Welcome President Trump With 4,200 Joints

"We've legalized here and we don't want our rights taken away."


The only place in town Trump supporters and Trump protesters could be found doing something together on inauguration day is "waiting in line for marijuana," says Adam Eidinger, co-founder of DCMJ, the pro-cannabis advocacy group that was key in making pot legal in the nation's capital.

Eidinger and his colleagues spent the day handing out thousands of free joints to anyone in D.C. who wanted one. It's a way of "welcoming Donald Trump to Washington," he says, "and letting him know we've legalized here and we don't want our rights taken away."

UPDATE (Jan 21, 2017): Eidinger says that 9,000 free joints were given away, thanks to last-minute donations.

Produced by Todd Krainin and Josh Swain. Camera by Swain, Mark McDaniel, and Todd Krainin, who also edited.

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