Government Gone Wild! "Libertarian Chick" Kristin Tate Reveals How DC Politicians Are Screwing Everyone Over

Think you're really "free'? #LOL


"It sounds nice to say things like, 'Oh, I really want to help the poor and everyone deserves free college and health care'," says Kristin Tate, political columnist at The Libertarian Chick blog and author of the new book Government Gone Wild: How D.C. Politicians Are Taking You for a Ride—and What You Can Do About It. "But in reality, getting people hooked on the government and not giving them pathways to becoming self-sufficient is not compassionate."

Tate sat down with Nick Gillespie to talk about her new book—which she has designed to be a libertarian manifesto for millennials—and why the 2016 election wants to make her "projectile vomit." "I don't really see any liberty-friendly candidates," Tate laments.

She also stresses that libertarians need to "shine a spotlight" on the idea that getting people hooked on government programs is not a compassionate position and how focusing on individual liberty can create an uplifting message that will appeal to millennials and voters of all ages.

Approximately 7 minutes.

Produced by Nick Gillespie. Edited by Alexis Garcia. Camera by Todd Krainin and Joshua Swain. Music by Silent Partner.

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