TED Curator Chris Anderson on the "TED-ification" of Education


"Learning needs to be joyful," says Chris Anderson, curator of TED Talks and TED Ed. "TED's mission is 'ideas worth spreading," explains Anderson, "and the most important part of that mission, logically, has to be kids."

Started in 1984, TED (Technology, Education, Design) is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, typically through short lectures with noted thinkers. Videos of these talks, which started appearing online in 2006, have been viewed over one billion times. In 2011 TED developed TED Ed, an educational resource for teachers and students "to capture and amplify the voices of the world's greatest educators."

Reason managing editor Katherine Mangu-Ward recently sat down with Anderson to talk about the future of education and the use of technology in the classroom.

About 8.5 minutes.

Edited by Alex Manning. Shot by Todd Krainin and Josh Swain.

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