Mr. Carey Goes to Cleveland: Drew Carey and Nick Gillespie talk to the Cleveland City Council about how to save Cleveland


Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey, a original documentary series that proposes viable solutions to some of Cleveland's biggest problems, premiered in March 2010. The release made the front page (twice) of the Cleveland Plain Dealer and ruffled the feathers of at least one local writer.

The film also caught the attention of the Cleveland City Council, who invited Drew and's Nick Gillespie to Cleveland to discuss the ideas raised in the documentary.

This short video is a collection of highlights from Drew and Nick's 2.5 hour conversation with the Cleveland City Council on May 27.

Read a transcript of "The Confrontation" from the October 2010 issue of Reason.

Approximately 10 minutes. Produced, shot and edited by Paul Feine and Alex Manning.

Scroll down for downloadable versions and subscribe to's YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live.

Read Nick Gillespie's "How to Save Cleveland" and "Ideas for Saving Cleveland" in the June 2010 issue of Reason magazine.