Donald Trump

Will President Trump Be Good For Libertarians? (A New Reason Podcast)

Nick Gillespie, Katherine Mangu-Ward, and Elizabeth Nolan Brown discuss.


Libertarians are able "to grapple with [Trump's victory] more quickly because we're used to despair," says Reason's Katherine Mangu-Ward. "We never wake up after election day and say, 'the brave new future delights me!'"

In our latest podcast, Mangu-Ward, Nick Gillespie, and Elizabeth Nolan Brown discuss Trump's big win. An obvious takeaway is that libertarians were right to be worried about the expansion of executive power under Obama. (Should they resist the impulse to gloat?) Elizabeth Nolan Brown talks about her recent piece on why Clinton lost, and how the results from last two presidential elections contradict claims that Trump voters are all secret racists. Was it actually a backlash against political correctness that got Trump elected? In the end, did Gary Johnson do well or disappoint?

Listen to the conversation below—or better yet subscribe to our podcast at iTunes.

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(Photo By Michael Vadon (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)