
Stossel: Who Owns Your Body?

John Stossel confronts a prostitute, a pimp and an anti-prostitution crusader.


Do you have the right to rent your body to someone else?

In most of America, you don't. But prostitution is legal in parts of Nevada.

Julie Bindel, author of the book The Pimping of Prostitution, wants that to change. She co-founded Justice for Women, a group that fights to end all prostitution. Bindel tells John Stossel, "I've interviewed a lot of sex buyers, and they talk about women like they're human toilets or spittoons for men's semen."

Does that mean it should be illegal?

No, says Christina Parreira, a PHD student at the University of Nevada who studies legal prostitution. She became a prostitute herself to gain access to the legal brothels and interview women there. She argues, "we don't need protection, we're consenting adult women. [Groups like Bindel's] say that it's oppression against women and we're being exploited. But I feel more exploited by these supposedly liberal women that are telling me that I'm being exploited."

John Stossel confronts Bindel, Parreira, and Dennis Hof, owner of seven legal brothels in Nevada.

Produced by Naomi Brockwell. Edited by Joshua Swain.

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