Senator Holds Up Spending Bill Over Name of Forest, Washington Post Mansplains Government to Cardi B, and Elon Musk Deletes Tesla, SpaceX Facebook Pages: P.M. Links


  • Is the troll bracket still going?

    Oregon lawyer storms out of a courtroom after failing to prove the local government set his client up.

  • Idaho Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) holds up a spending bill to prevent a federal forest being named after a political rival, an ex-governor of Idaho who died last year.
  • The Washington Post does a little hand-holding for Cardi B, showing her exactly where all her money is going. The article will soon be taught in schools as a textbook example of "mansplaining." Reason meanwhile treats her like the libertarian hero she is.
  • Tariff-advocating A.I. alarmist Elon Musk has Facebook pages for Telsa, SpaceX deleted following the Cambridge Analytica "scandal."
  • The stock market takes a tumble after a week of nothing but bad news.