Government Shuts Down and Reopens Overnight, ICE Wants to Join Intelligence Community, Feds Seize $5 Million in Bitcoin: A.M. Links
Xinhua/Sipa USA/Newscom The federal government "shut down" and then voted itself back into business while you were sleeping.
- "With hunger widespread amid a fifth year of painful economic implosion under President Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela has seen a frightening surge in attacks on increasingly lawless roads," reports Reuters.
- "ICE doesn't belong in the intelligence community," argues former Reason writer Matthew Feeney at the Cato Institute.
- Walgreens has adopted a gender-blind bathroom policy in its stores.
- The feds seized nearly $5 million in Bitcoin, gold, and silver from a man in Toledo accused of producing fake IDs.
- Around three-quarters of last year's new union members were millennials, according to new research from the Economic Policy Institute.
- The Wall Street Journal editorial board pushes back against "distorted campus assault math."