Gitmo Trial Overseer Fired, McCain Introduces Immigration Bill, More Rent Control Demanded Instead of More Housing: P.M. Links
POOL New/REUTERS/Newscom The Pentagon has fired the man overseeing the trials of alleged terrorists being held in Guantanamo Bay.
- The stock market is having kind of an off day today.
- The Supreme Court has rejected an emergency request by Pennsylvania Republican leaders to put on hold a recent decision by the state's supreme court ordering them to redraw the state's congressional districts.
- Sens. John McCain (D-Ariz.) and Christopher Coons (D-Del.) have introduced a bill to allow undocumented "DREAMers" to stay in the United States, but it doesn't provide funding for a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. For that reason, President Donald Trump tweeted a pre-emptive rejection.
- A new federally funded research study shows more evidence that legal access to medical marijuana from dispensaries correlates with a drop in opioid overdose deaths.
- Folks who still do not grasp the laws of supply and demand are pushing for more rent controls when they should be demanding a dramatic increase in housing stock.
- The New York Times is asking the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to unseal and release the secret documents used as the justification to surveil Carter Page back when he was a campaign advisor to Trump.
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