Border Patrol Agents Have Always Been Bad, Cops Everywhere Harass Sex Workers, and 50 Cent Is a Bitcoin Millionaire: A.M. Links
John Gibbins/TNS/Newscom U.S. Border Patrol agents in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, demanded proof of citizenship from all Greyhound Bus passengers and escorted one passenger away with them last Friday. The incident has gotten a lot of attention and anger, but "though immigration inspections on Greyhound buses are not widely publicized, they are not new," notes the Los Angeles Times.
Border Patrol agents routinely conduct such inspections at transportation centers across Florida, the Customs and Border Protection's Miami sector said in a statement Tuesday.
- "No company has spent as much on U.S. lobbying since 2000 as General Electric," writes Tim Carney. "And no component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average has performed worse since 2000 than General Electric."
- "Police in India routinely extort female transgender sex workers, which pressures them to earn more by engaging in unsafe sex that increases the risk of disease," reports Reuters, citing a new study from researchers at India's Centre for Sexuality and Health Research and Policy. "We found that transgender women have poor earnings and they have to share that too with the police and ruffians who exploit them," said the group's chair, Venkatesan Chakrapan.
- Rapper 50 Cent is allegedly sitting on $7 to $8.5 million in Bitcoin after becoming one of the first mainstream musicians to accept the cryptocurrency as album payment, for 2014's "Animal Ambition."
- "Who are you calling a 'second-wave feminist'?"
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