Judge Rules American Detainee in Iraq Gets a Lawyer, Flake Says Trump 'Inviting' a 2020 GOP Challenger, Red Crabs Migrate to Christmas Island: A.M. Links
Peter from Perth/flickr In his Christmas homily, Pope Francis said the story of the Nativity was echoed in today's refugee crisis, and that Jesus came to give everyone their "documents of citizenship."
- President Trump is spending the Christmas holiday in Mar-a-lago, where he called troops stationed overseas and also tweeted some junk.
- Real Washington Post headline: "In a pro-Trump town, they never stopped saying 'Merry Christmas'"
- A federal judge ruled an unidentified American the U.S. military is detaining in Iraq as an enemy combatant had to be granted access to a lawyer immediately.
- Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) says Trump is "inviting" a Republican challenger in 2020.
- A package of manure was sent to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin's house in Bel Air.
- The president of Guatemala announced his country would also be moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
- Google Street View engineers caught the migration of millions of red crabs to Christmas Island, and will post the video next year.
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