Franken Announces Resignation, Officer Gets 20 Years for Killing Unarmed Man, Fatal Shooting at N.M. School: P.M. Links
Ron Sachs/ZUMA Press/Newscom Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) announced today he will be resigning from the Senate amid accusations of groping women.
- The former South Carolina police officer who shot and killed Walter Scott following a traffic stop was sentenced to 20 years in prison after pleading guilty to a federal civil rights charge in a deal.
- Three federal agencies, the IRS, FBI and HUD, sent officials to Cleveland's City Hall last night for some sort of criminal investigation, though they declined to indicate what they were looking for or why.
- Two students were killed when a gunman opened fire at a high school in Northern New Mexico. The gunman was also killed, though how it happened (and why) has not been released yet.
- FBI Director Christopher Wray defended the FBI in the face of various accusations from members of the House Judiciary Committee about how the agencies has handled probes of allegations of misconduct about both Hillary Clinton and President Donald Trump.
- The White House believes its intelligence agencies can continue to engage in warrantless surveillance under Section 702 authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Amendments until April, even if Congress fails to renew these authorities, which expire at the end of the year.
- The Department of Justice has selected a prosecutor from North Carolina to oversee checks and balances of federal civil asset forfeiture programs.
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