If You Dig the Reason Podcast, Support Our Webathon with a Tax-Deductible Gift
"The podcast makes it even easier to consume smart, witty commentary on many issues that you won't get elsewhere."
Debuting a little more than a year ago, the Reason Podcast is a thrice-weekly audio conversation about politics, culture, and ideas from a principled libertarian perspective. On Mondays, Katherine Mangu-Ward, Matt Welch, Peter Suderman, and I get together to hash out the meaning of the week that was and to contemplate what fresh hell awaits us in the days to come. The other episodes feature in-depth, no-holds-barred conversations with Reason writers, editors, and videographers and authors, newsmakers, and persons of interest.
The guest list is as wide-ranging and eclectic as you can imagine. Staffers such as Jacob Sullum and Ronald Bailey are here, of course, and so are well-known libertarian eminences such as Penn Jillette, P.J. O'Rourke, and Glenn Reynolds. There are novelists such as Andy Weir (author of The Martian and Artemis), Frank Portman (King Dork and King Dork Approximately), and Lisa De Pasquale (The Social Justice Warrior's Handbook and I Wish I Might) and recordings of live events from The Soho Forum and Reason's debate with Jacobin magazine over the ethics of capitalism. You want politics and policy? We've got you covered, talking with the likes of Bjorn Lomborg when President Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord, Rand Paul when Trump was floating John Bolton for a cabinet position, and FCC head Ajit Pai the day he announced his draft repeal of Net Neutrality.
Here are the two most recent reviews from iTunes, where we've recently cracked the charts for the most-listened-to podcasts for "News & Politics":
Smart commentary and interviews by Chuckgm3
I have been watching the YouTube channel for years, the podcast makes it even easier to consume smart, witty commentary on many issues that you won't get elsewhere.
Great Viewpoints by Michael1747252942684
It's really refreshing to hear people in politics talking about ways to INCREASE personal and economic freedoms rather than agreeable ways to LIMIT those freedoms.
The podcast is free and can be accessed any number of ways. Here's the Reason.com archive page, which includes full transcripts of most episodes and links to relevant articles and information. There's a SoundCloud page, too, and a good, old-fashioned Feedpress feed. You can subscribe via Google Play and iTunes.
Our goal with the podcast is to give our audience one more way to get Reason's content and perspective and it's paying off, with more than 50,000 subscribers to our RSS feed.
But it also costs time, resources, and money to produce. This is Reason's annual webathon week, during which we ask our audience to support our activities with tax-deductible donations. If you like what we do, please consider supporting us by going here now.
For a gift of $50, you'll get a Reason bumper sticker, featuring our brand-new, not-yet-released new logo. For $100, you'll get that plus an online and print subscription featuring 50 years of online archives. For $500, you'll get all that, plus a Reason t-shirt and books by staff authors. There's a giving level for everyone.
We take our jobs at Reason seriously even as we have great fun fighting for "Free Minds and Free Markets" every day. We're constantly coming up with new ways to get the message out to more and more people: the magazine, this website, Reason TV, and the podcast. It's your support that makes it all possible, so please, support Reason with a fully tax-deductible donation and help us keep fighting for a freer, fairer, and better world in media old and new.
Here's a podcast we published last November, shortly after the election. It collects a series of interviews we did with leading libertarian academics and policy analysts about the prospects for freedom during a Trump presidency. Take a listen and make sure to let us know what you think.