There Are Libertarians All Over the World. Donate to Help Reason Cover Them!
There are a lot of authoritarians we need to keep tabs on too.
Reason does not have a Johannesburg bureau. Or a Caracas bureau. Or a Havana bureau.
Which means that when we get tips for stories abroad that we think Reason readers need to know about, we have to (a) find a friendly reporter on the ground to cover the story for us, or (b) send someone in to get the facts and footage we need. Interpid overseas libertarian freelancers are precious, rare, and often in high demand. Meanwhile, plane tickets and hotels and translators and fixers and travel insurance all typically require the kind of money that can be hard to come by at a nonprofit publication.
Even the simplest, straightforward international reporting trip can easily run to $5,000, more if we send Reason TV to produce video as well. Would you consider funding a feature in the future? Or at least pay Reason TV's massive checked bag fees for all that gear?
To remind you what you'd be getting for your money, why not browse through some (well, most) of the original, on-the-ground international reporting Reason has produced in the last year and change:
In March, freelancer Francisco Toro reported on why Ugandans are starving because they can't trust their seed markets, traveling around the countryside to discuss the situation with East African farmers, bureaucrats, and businessmen.
Toro, a journalist previously based in Caracas, has also reported on the plight of ordinary Venezuelans as their country undergoes a disastrous bout of socialist deja vu. Another Venezuela journalist, Maria Alba Toledo, reports from Guayana City on the ways that President Nicolas Marudo has brought the country to the edge of starvation, death, and despair.
Photographer Tor Birk Trads captured shots of one of the world's most daring journalists, Flemming Rose, in Denmark.
Managing Editor Stephanie Slade went to Havana, shortly after Donald Trump announced plans to restrict trade with the poor island nation. Starvation won't turn Cubans into capitalists, Slade argued, but trade and tourism might.
Former Reason intern Tate Watkins checked in from the dysfunctional coffee plantations of Haiti, in search of the answer to the question: Why Are Haiti's Coffee Trees So Tall?
Leon Louw, executive director of the South Africa–based Free Market Foundation, sat down with Johannesburg's newly elected classical liberal mayor, Herman Mashaba, to talk about his planned reforms.
(Sometimes the subjects of our international stories come to us, as in the case of "Egypt's Jon Stewart," Bassem Youssef, whose comedy news show had 30 million viewers. Then he was forced to flee to Los Angeles, where he spoke with Reason TV's Justin Monticello. But we're not usually so lucky, and they're not always so unlucky.)
Reason TV's Jim Epstein reported on the Students for Liberty chapter in Brazil that helped bring down left-wing populist Dilma Rousseff, leading protests where millions flooding the streets, many carrying signs that read "Less Marx, More Mises."
If you like what you see here, and want Reason to engage more often and more deeply with the people fighting for (and against!) free minds and free markets around the world, why not donate now?