A.M. Links: Trump vs. NFL, North Korea Bolsters Defenses, Puerto Rico Governor Warns of Island's 'Humanitarian Crisis' After Hurricane Maria
Todd Kranin President Donald Trump continued his NFL diatribe on Twitter this morning. "Ratings for NFL football are way down except before game starts, when people tune in to see whether or not our country will be disrespected!" he wrote.
- "At least six of President Trump's closest advisers occasionally used private email addresses to discuss White House matters, current and former officials said on Monday."
- Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) is a "no" on the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal Obamacare.
- North Korea is reportedly increasing its defenses on its east coast.
- Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo A. Rosselló says the island is on the verge of a "humanitarian crisis" in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Most residents are still without electricity and still without drinkable water.
- Hundreds of buildings are at risk of collapse in Mexico City due to last week's earthquake.
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