
Watch Robby Soave on S.E. Cupp's Brand New Panel Show, Tonight at 7:00 P.M. on HLN

Building a wall between TV viewers and boredom


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Conservative commentator S.E. Cupp (formerly of MSNBC's The Cycle and CNN's Crossfire) and TV's Andy Levy (formerly of Fox News' Red Eye) debuted a brand-spanking-new panel show on HLN this week: S.E. Cupp Unfiltered. I will be making regular appearances on the show, beginning with its third-ever episode, tonight at 7:00 p.m. ET.

Cupp and Levy are both level-headed Trump skeptics who are perfectly comfortable calling out the president on his numerous mistakes while making sure the left doesn't get off easy. Dismantling political correctness is, in fact, one of the show's goals.

Tune in to catch me bringing the millennial libertarian perspective (Abolish the minimum wage! Open the borders! Pass the avocado toast!) to your television screens, and don't forget to tweet your thoughts to @secupp, @unfilteredSE, @andylevy, and me, @robbysoave.