Men From Malheur Standoff Acquitted, DOJ Drops Anti-Trump IP Request, Attack of the Kremlin Bots: A.M. Links
Joel Angel Juarez/ZUMA Press/Newscom A jury acquitted two men who were part of the 2014 Cliven Bundy family standoff with federal agents at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Two other defendants were found not guilty on most of the charges against them.
- "Hundreds left early" during President Trump's rambling 75-minute speech in Philadelphia yesterday, reports The Washington Post. (Read Matt Welch's take on it here.)
- The Department of Justice has dropped a request for the IP addresses of visitors to an anti-Trump website.
- Day laborers have a First Amendment right to solicit jobs, rules a Long Island court.
- Milwaukee is cracking down on "bawdy houses."
- Inside the Kremlin's bot-fueled propaganda network.
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