Operation Choke Point Ending, Women's Suffrage Turns 97, Four Arrested in Barcelona Attack: A.M. Links
JT Vintage/ZUMA Press/Newscom The White House has announced it will end Operation Choke Point, an Obama-administration program that discouraged banks from doing business with "risky" customers.
- Following yesterday's terrorist attack in Barcelona, Spanish police "say they have killed several people south of Barcelona in response," AP is reporting. Four have been arrested in conjunction with the attack.
- On this day 97 years ago, U.S. women got the right to vote.
- "In Alaska, as in every other U.S. state, it is currently legal for members of law enforcement to have sexual contact with individuals who are under investigation," notes The Huffington Post. "The line is legally drawn at penetration."
- The #MAGA crowd will meet the Juggalos this September.
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has come out against the decisions of companies like Google and GoDaddy to cease doing business with vocal white supremacists. "Because internet intermediaries, especially those with few competitors, control so much online speech, the consequences of their decisions have far-reaching impacts on speech around the world," EFF says.
- "In this nationally representative cross-sectional study of 5674 adults who reported pubic hair grooming, grooming-related injury was reported by 1430." Science!
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