Democrats Try to Attract White Workers, North Korea Improves on its Missiles, and Pakistan's Prime Minister Steps Down: P.M. Links


  • U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton with former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif at his residence in Lahore, Pakistan. Commons

    Democrats are strategizing on how to reingratiate themselves with working-class whites. Let's hope they come up with some better ideas this time around.

  • North Korea conducts a new missile test, which apparently went pretty well. Some experts are saying that the missile would have the capability to reach the United States' west coast.
  • Pakistan's Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, has resigned from office, after the country's Supreme Court ordered him removed over accusations of corruption.
  • Charlie Gard, the terminally ill infant who sparked international controversy over end-of-life issues, died today. A British court had ruled he be removed from the ventilator allowing him to breath yesterday.
  • In the wake of Obamacare repeal's failure, Vice has compiled a very helpful photo gallery of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell looking sad.