Trump Spends Weekend at U.S. Women's Open, McCain Recovering After Surgery, Jane Sanders Complains About Sexism in FBI Investigation: A.M. Links
OLIVIER DOULIERY/UPI/Newscom President Trump spent the weekend at the U.S. Women's Open, which was being held at his golf course in New Jersey.
- It may take a few weeks for John McCain to return to the Senate after surgery.
- Jane Sanders complained about "sexism" in the FBI investigation into her alleged bank fraud.
- An American has been sentenced to ten years in prison for espionage in Iran.
- U.S. intelligence officials say the United Arab Emirates was behind a hacking campaign against Qatar.
- One person was killed and at least four injured during voting in Venezuela.
- Elon Musk called artificial intelligence the "greatest risk we face as a civilization."
- Filmmaker George Romero died this weekend, aged 77.
- Scientists in Sweden say ravens can plan.
- Bon Iver x Alex Jones.