Oregon Happy Hours Get a Little More Free, Trump's Infrastructure Plan is Delayed Yet Again, and Solar Companies Beg for More Tariffs: P.M. Links


  • The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has abolished a rule that prevented Oregon bars from advertising their happy hour prices. The price mechanism can now freely guide consumers looking to get hammered on a budget.

  • In a typical showing from the constantly behind-schedule administration, Sen. John Thune, chairman of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, announced that work on Trump's yet to be submitted infrastructure proposal "might spill into next year." Trump had promised to release a more detailed infrastructure proposal in May, but is now projecting a Fall-time unveiling. Don't hold your breath.
  • Solar companies file yet another anti-dumping case with the US International Trade Commission. Check out Reason's coverage of how even with tariffs, solar is still a bad bet.
  • Speaking of tariffs, Trump says that trade deficits with South Korea can't be allowed to continue.
  • Education Sec. Betsy DeVos begins rewriting many of Obama's higher education rules and regulations.