Another Weekend of Protests and Marches, Trump Crashes Jersey Wedding, Mass. State Police Rescue UFO Hunters: A.M. Links
@houseofcait/Twitter Anti-Sharia protests around the United States were met by counterprotesters. The gay pride parade in Los Angeles, meanwhile, transformed into a "resist march."
- President Trump visited a wedding reception held at his golf club in New Jersey, where he was staying this weekend.
- Preet Bharara claimed phone calls from the president made him uncomfortable.
- Statehood won in a non-binding referendum in Puerto Rico with 97 percent of the vote amid turnout of 23 percent.
- The party of Emmanuel Macron won an ovewhelming majority in the national legislature.
- Members of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom are complaining that Theresa May bungled the election campaign and is now bungling the aftermath.
- Megyn Kelly interviews Alex Jones for NBC News.
- Three UFO hunters said they saw a "weird orb" while they were lost in the Blue Hills near Boston. State police had to rescue them.