Senators Find No Evidence Supporting Trump Wiretapping, Trump Budget Proposal Analyzed, Chelsea Clinton Writing Children's Book: P.M. Links
Bastiaan Slabbers/ZUMA Press/Newscom A joint statement from leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee declares that they've seen no evidence that Trump Tower was wiretapped during the 2016 election as President Donald Trump has claimed.
- Michael Flynn received more money from Russian-based businesses than had been previously disclosed. Flynn notably resigned as national security adviser after misleading the Trump campaign over his contacts with a Russian ambassador.
- You may have heard that Trump released a budget proposal. It doesn't cut spending, but rather shifts spending from domestic programs to military spending instead. Nick Gillespie breaks it down here.
- An Oklahoma state senator accused of child prostitution charges connected to a 17-year-old boy has surrendered to police. Note some of the awfulness of sex laws here. The age of consent in Oklahoma is 16, but it counts as "child prostitution" if it's with somebody under 18.
- Chelsea Clinton is publishing a children's book titled She Persisted.
- Somebody donated four pounds of marijuana to a Goodwill in Washington State. How charitable!
- So McDonald's got some attention today for this tweet that was pinned to its feed for a little bit this morning before being deleted. They subsequently claimed that their account had been compromised:
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