Anthony L. Fisher on Red Eye Tonight, Talking Trump Protests, Spicer Pressers, and Naked Fitness

Set your DVRs for 3am on Fox News Channel.


I'm talkin' here.
Fox News Channel

Set your DVRs or stay up to the ungodly hour of 3am tonight to watch me on Fox News' late-night gabfest Red Eye with Tom Shillue, where I'll be appearing alongside Howard Stern Show writer Shuli Egar, comedian Tom Dillon, and Bustle Trends' Senior Director Jessica Tarlov.

Scheduled topics include the various stages of protesting Donald Trump, the anger directed at Taylor Swift for not protesting Trump, the increasing animosity between the Trump administration and the political news media, and the trend that's probably not a trend of naked exercise.

Check out my interview with Red Eye's inimitable ombudsman Andy Levy below: