Airbnb Sues San Francisco, Hillary Clinton Talks Revenge Porn, Judge Dismisses Rolling Stone Lawsuit: A.M. Links
(Alexander Farnsworth/picture alliance / Alexander Far/Newscom)
Alexander Farnsworth/picture alliance / Alexander Far/Newscom Airbnb is suing the city of San Francisco over a law that would hold it legally accountable for any host who isn't registered with the city.
- The tobacco-smoking age in Chicago rises to 21-years-old starting Friday.
- Hillary Clinton said she would do everything she could to "figure out how we can give victims" of revenge porn the support they need, but did not answer directly when asked if she supported a federal law against it.
- A U.S. District Court dismissed a lawsuit against Rolling Stone magazine alleging the publication had defamed fraternity brothers from Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia, the purported site of a gang-rape in a now-discredited and retracted 2014 story.
- A Cook County judge ruled that Illinois must ad post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of conditions that qualifies for a medical marijuana prescription.
- Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said he helped author the infamous Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act "to allow the internet to grow and flourish, and prevent lawsuits from crushing new platforms for commerce, education and speech."
- What Brexit means for British food.
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