Sanders Takes West Virginia, Feds Threaten D.C. Metro, ISIS Claims Baghdad Bombing: A.M. Links
(Phil Roeder/Flickr)
Phil Roeder/Flickr Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton Tuesday in the Democratic primary in West Virginia.
- ISIS is claiming responsibility for a Wednesday car bombing in Baghdad that killed at least 39 people.
- Missouri has updated its sex trafficking law to add advertising to the definition of the crime of trafficking, a felony punishable by a minimum of five to 10 years in prison.
- The Department of Transportation may withhold funds from the Washington Metro system if it doesn't get its shit together and prevent exploding balls of fire from trailing merrily after subway cars all the time.
- Corey Lewandowski is running Donald Trump's vice presidential vetting effort.
- Algorithms can have bias, too.
- Louisiana is the latest to consider an abortion "reversal" bill.
- A growing number of colleges are forcing all faculty members to serve as "mandatory reporters," meaning they must disclose any student who talks of being sexually assaulted to the school's Title IX coordinator (regardless of what the student wants).
- Playboy explains the political parties. A sample:
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