Reason Weekly Contest: Harry Potter Appropriates All the Cultures
Last week's winners revealed.
Welcome back to the Reason Weekly Contest! This week's prompt is:
Recently, a 4-year-old was recommended for a counter-terrorism program after he mispronounced "cucumber" and "cooker bomb." Come up with the next goofed up word or phrase that might get a kid reported to the authorities.
How to enter: Submissions should be e-mailed to Please include your name, city, and state. This week, kindly type "KID WORD" in the subject line. Entries are due by 11 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday, March 21. Winners will appear on March 25. In the case of identical or similar entries, the first one received gets credit. First prize is a one-year digital subscription to Reason magazine, plus bragging rights. While we appreciate kibbitzing in the comments below, you must email your answer to enter the contest. Feel free to enter more than once, and good luck!
And now for the results of last week's contest: After an academic accused J.K. Rowling of "culturally appropriating" Native American myths, we asked you to come up with the name of the next truly offensive Harry Potter sequel or spin-off.
Harry Potter and the Tepee of Tears -- Joshua Cleveland, Baltimore, MD
Harry Potter and the College Tequila Party -- Jason Bedrick, Washington, DC
Harry Potter and the Enviable Wand -- -- K.C. Decker, Denton, MD
Harry Potter and the Chamber of LGBT Secrets -- Ed Perovic, Winnetka, IL
Harry Potter and the Blanket of Smallpox -- Robert Brown, Micanopy, FF
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Microaggressions -- CG
Harry Potter & The Consensual Sexual Encounter -- Brent Ingebretsen, Richmond, VA
Harry Potter and the Firebolt Phallusy -- Tim Whalen - Manassas, VA
It Takes a Horcrux -- Colin Blake, Boston, MA
Muggle Lives Matter -- Robert Ryan, Dallas City, IL
Harry Potter and the Retroactive Sexual Orientation -- Jay Stenmark, Madison, AL
Harry Potter and the Voodoo Curse -- Sam Miller, St. Paul, MN
Hagrid and His Unhealthy Obesity
Harry Potter and Concerned Hogwarts Student 1950 -- Charlie Baker, Somerville, MA
Harry Potter and the Trail of Tears -- Aresen
Harry Potter and the Magical Chicken of General Tso -- Theresa Klein, Leesburg, VA
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Guantanamo -- Vivian James, Germany, Cologne
Harry Potter and the Heap Big Wampum -- P.S.
Harry Potter and the Unchecked Privilege
Harry Potter and the Quidditch Participation Trophy
Harry Potter and the Pipe of Peace
Harry Potter and The Religious Bakery
Harry Potter and the Pound of Flesh
Harry Potter and the Gate of Gamers
Harry Potter and the Myth of a Holocaust
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Sensitivity Camp
Harry Potter and the Mixed-Race Token Middle-Manager
Hxxxy Pottsperson
Granger Gets a Gun: When Magic Is Not Enough
Harry Potter and the Aztec Sacrifice
Harry Potter and the Case for Common Sense Wand Control
Harry Potter and the Gendered Bathroom
Harry Potter and the Great Wall of Mexico