Reason Weekly Contest: Libertarian Beer and Sex Toy Apps

Last week's winners revealed.


Welcome back to the Reason Weekly Contest! This week's question is:

A few companies seem to be dominating the brand-spanking-new, app-connected sex toy market. There's We-Vibe, and Evolved Novelties. Come up with the name of the next new app company in this growing field.

How to enter: Submissions should be e-mailed to Please include your name, city, and state. This week, kindly type "TOY" in the subject line. Entries are due by 11 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday, Feb. 22. Winners will appear on Feb. 26. In the case of identical or similar entries, the first one received gets credit. First prize is a one-year digital subscription to Reason magazine, plus bragging rights. While we appreciate kibbitzing in the comments below, you must email your answer to enter the contest. Feel free to enter more than once, and good luck!

And now for the results of last week's contest: We asked you for the name of a proudly Libertarian beer or brewery and you served up:  


Atlas Chugged -- Chris Roberts, Skokie, IL


Rand Pauli Girl -- Joe Kristan


Foam Head On Me -- Brian Huisman, Burlington Ontario


Lundwig's Fun Miesesterbrau -- Fatwa Arbuckle

The Free Beer Project -- Eric Larsen, West St. Paul, MN

Ryebert Nozick & John Stout Mill present: Lagerty for All -- Alexander Krumbach, Sandy Springs, GA

Suds of Libeerty -- Andrew Zavage, Philadelphia, PA

Who is John Malt? -- Brian E., New York, NY

Free to Booze -- Jason Bedrick, Chandler, AZ

Gold Standard Blonde -- Rob Blazoff

Audit the Keg™ -- Colin Blake, Boston, MA

All the Other Options Suck Brewery -- Tom D, Phoenix, AZ

Anarchy, State and Brewtopia -- Brett Hoffman, San Diego, CA

Don't Tread on Yeast

Small Govern-Malt -- Adam Kalsey

Stein Rand -- Alex Listvinsky, Belmont, CA

Liberty on Tap -- Scott Leslie, Fairfield, OH

State Smasher -- J.D. Montgomery, Fairfax, VA

Live Free or Drink -- S.H.

Galt's Gulp -- Andrew Killion, San Marcos, CA

Electoral Success -- we have no idea what it tastes like -- Norm B, New Park PA

TANSTAAFB (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Beer) -- Christopher P. Brown, Idlewylde, MD

Live Free or Get  Drunk Brewery -- Ed Perovic, Winnetka, IL

Greenspan's Flawed Model Ale -- J.D.

Bitter About Government IPA

Austrian Style Ale

Miller Lite on Government -- Tim Whalen, Manassas, VA



Made with Galted Barley

Regulate This

Fill your scooner with Lysander Spooner's!

Road to Sudsdom?

No Borders Porters

Atlas Belched

Maltin Friedman


Elizabeth Nolan Brau

Barley Governed

Foster's Small L lager