When Barry Met Sandy, Obamacare for Millionaires, Jets Settle Cheerleader Lawsuit: P.M. Links
(Ed Yourdon/flickr)
Ed Yourdon/flickr Bernie Sanders met with President Obama at the White House today, saying he had a "constructive" conversation with the president.
- Millionaires who retire early can take advantage of Obamacare subsidies.
- The United Nations has invited representatives of the Syrian government and the opposition to peace talks at Geneva.
- China has come out in support of a U.N. attempt to condemn North Korea for its most recent nuclear tests.
- The New York Jets settled a wage suit filed by their cheerleaders.
- Joseph Fiennes will play Michael Jackson in a British TV comedy about Jackson, Marlon Brando, and Elizabeth Taylor going on a road trip from New York City to California after 9/11.
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