Snow Wreaks Havoc on East Coast, McConnell Asks for Vote on ISIS War, FBI Ran Child Porn Site: P.M. Links
william couch/Flickr More than 6,200 U.S. flights have been canceled and nearly 30,000 people in North Carolina are without power as the mid-Atlantic greets a winter snow storm that's predicted to be historic.
- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has introduced a joint resolution to authorize military force against ISIS.
- For two weeks, the FBI hosted a website offering thousands of child-porn images.
- Inside the National Review anti-Trump edition: editor Rich Lowry gives the back story.
- Making a Murderer subject Steven Avery sent a letter from prison to WISN 12 News in Milwaukee accusing his ex-girlfriend Jodi Stachowski of lying about him on the Nancy Grace show.
- A Canadian man charged with criminal harassment of two women's rights activists due to messages he sent on Twitter has been found not guilty.
- Former Oklahoma City cop Daniel Holtzclaw was sentenced to 263 years in prison stemming from his 2013-2014 sexual assaults of multiple women.
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