Obama Says We're Hitting ISIS Hard, Trump Is So Totally Healthy, It's Amazing, First Freddie Gray Trial Concludes: P.M. Links
(Gage Skidmore / photo on flickr)
Credit: Gage Skidmore / photo on flickr President Barack Obama today said the United States and its allies are hitting ISIS "harder than ever" and moving forward with their strategies.
- Donald Trump has a letter from his doctor declaring that he'd be the "healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."
- The trial of the first (of six) police officers charged for a role in the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore concluded today.
- It's the third anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, which means more calls for gun control.
- The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 today that federal arbitration regulations trump California's laws, meaning lawyers can't file a class-action lawsuit over DirecTV termination fees.
- Also, the Supreme Court blocked an Alabama court from denying the parental rights of a lesbian woman who was granted adoption in Georgia of her ex-partner's children.
- A Vox contributor wants to know why humans don't do more to protect mother nature from … um … itself.
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